Awaken Mind - A Wonderful Servant and A Terrible Master

by Milan Karmeli: Speaking my truth doesn’t change a thing, but it does create connection…


Healing Humanity’s Ancient Wounds of Love, Awakening the Quantum Human & Expanding Embodied Multidimensional Awareness


by Frank Ostaseski: Life and death are a package deal. You cannot pull them apart…


Donna Quesada shares a simple but powerful meditation to protect your inner peace when there...

by Donna Eden: Energy Synesthesia—Synesthesia (“joining of the senses”) is the vivid, involuntary experiencing of...

Most people watch TV or some other screen before bed…


Donna Quesada: I’m not sure I completely understand what you mean by projection in this...

by Avery Phillips: Creativity isn’t often touted as a skill of priceless value…


by George Nicholas: When it supports their claims, Western scientists value what Traditional Knowledge has...

“People will change for other people before they change for themselves,” says Keith Ferrazzi,…


If you’re familiar with Tolle, then Adyashanti is someone you’ll like. I’ve listened to “Spontaneous...

by Margaret Paul: Take a moment to think about the last time you procrastinated…
