Awaken Mind - A Wonderful Servant and A Terrible Master

by Avery Phillips: Creativity isn’t often touted as a skill of priceless value…


by George Nicholas: When it supports their claims, Western scientists value what Traditional Knowledge has...

“People will change for other people before they change for themselves,” says Keith Ferrazzi,…


If you’re familiar with Tolle, then Adyashanti is someone you’ll like. I’ve listened to “Spontaneous...

by Margaret Paul: Take a moment to think about the last time you procrastinated…


Donna Quesada shares a powerful pranayama or breathing technique from the tradition of Kundalini Yoga,...

by Ray Hemachandra: Rabbi, would you define transpersonal psychology?


There is no perfect time to mediate—But you can try these 6 simple steps to...

Donna Quesada: I remember when I was in the Zen temple, some of the intellects...

TIME is not real – it is a human construct to help us differentiate between...

by Jan Johnston Osburn: Have you ever spent an evening with a friend who turned...

by Justin Gammill: As we wander through this journey that is life, we go through...