Awaken Spirit - Presence

by Brandon Gilbert: Taoism is an ancient system of looking at the world that can...

David Welch: Are you vegetarians or vegans?


by Donna Quesada: Sometimes, when we are needed, we try too hard… In our own...

Leonard Jacobson: I’ve made Step Two very, very easy and simple…just four things to watch...

Donna Quesada: Leonard, is it necessary to have a spiritual teacher?


Though he never set foot in America, his spiritual influence manifested in the work of...

by Life Positive: “He appeared and disappeared for years, being known by different names in...

Maharaji Neem Karoli Baba would sometimes wax eloquent while talking about contentment in life: “The...

Neem Karoli Baba (Maharajji) as explained by Ram Dass.


Awaken: In your work, you so often speak of the importance of humility when traveling...

Donna Quesada: Is mindfulness an act of keeping things in mind…in fullness, or is it...

Awaken: Thank you, Sri Ramana Maharshi, for honoring us with your time today. If I...