Awaken Body - Sex

By Margot Anand: Dear Friends, This is the account of my travel adventures across Asia...

by Via Zoë Kors: We want intimacy and avoid sex. Or we fear intimacy and...

by Beth Levine: When I started asking various long-term couples what they do to keep...

by Zahra Barnes: As many enterprising people with clitorises know, there are various things you...

I’ve been reading some of David Deida‘s work again. When I encountered him initially, I...

by Jonathan Robinson: On the path toward enlightenment, there is an ever-present obstacle that one...

by Elliot D. Cohen Ph.D: Find out what making love really is and how you...

by Kelly Marceau: Let’s get one thing straight. Women LOVE sex. So, if you ever...

David Deida: “You can open to God through sex. By learning to open your heart...

by Jane Chalmers: Science has you covered…


by Robin Lloyd: Go ahead. Kiss the girl. And you might make it a wet...

David Deida 2002, must have the biggest balls in contemporary spirituality. Being able to teach...