by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: In Western culture we behave as though all of nature is...
by Alberto Villoldo Ph.D.: ”Making others wrong distracts us from the power we have to...
by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: A key factor I discuss in my latest book, Grow a...
by Alberto Villoldo: For millennia, men and women of wisdom sought to understand the workings...
by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: In our quest for the scientific exploration of the universe… Dr. Alberto Villoldo: The shaman understands that we are attracted to those people that...
by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: Our emotions can make us sick… Dr. Alberto Villoldo: Decades ago, when I moved to New York City for a...
by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: In 1950, a group of colorfully dressed outsiders approached the annual...
by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: The Laika tell us, “When we can walk on the snow...
by Dr. Alberto Villoldo:The assemblage point is an energetic structure within the Luminous Energy Field...
by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: As children, many of us are told that in order to...
by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: Our oldest myths claim that we all enter the world with...
by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: Love is the most powerful emotion we will ever experience—even greater...
by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: The past few blog posts have focused on power animals… Alberto Villoldo PhD: The ancient Maya called the consciousness required to experience this state...
by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: In last week’s blog post, we left off with Professor Antonio...
by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: The beauty of soul retrieval is that Spirit will provide you...
by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: We all want to be loved unconditionally by another, and we...
by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: The wheat we eat today is not the wheat people ate...
by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: Like many Native Americans, the Laika are so closely linked to...
by Alberto Villoldo Ph.D: South. To the winds of the South…