Donna Quesada: I would like to talk more about what your practice is, and how...
Donna Quesada: Well, Kiri Westby, it is just a pleasure to have you here with...
Awaken: Sir Jiddu krishnamurti, I want to first thank you for spending this time with...
Donna Quesada: Jonathan Robinson would you be willing to share what works for you?
...Donna Quesada: Yes, yes. You also talk about scheduling things in life that make us...
Donna Quesada: Jonathan Robinson is with us today, and I would like to first start...
DAVID WELCH: Please describe enlightenment.
...David Welch: Ananda Giri we are interested in exploring what it means to awaken.
...Donna Quesada: If there was one single change… Is there one thing that’s more important...
Dr. Dean Ornish: So, in the research that we do, we have Eat Well, Move...
Donna Quesada: Dr. Ornish, it’s a pleasure to have you with us again. I so...
This interview took place in front of 650 people at a retreat with Eckhart Tolle...
Awaken: It is an honor and a privilege to spend this time with you. I...
David Welch: What would you say is the purpose of life? Or of your life?
...David Welch: Would you mind giving your definition of dharma?
...David Welch: What does it mean to awaken?
...Donna Quesada: Now you were speaking of the neutral mind. This is part of the...
Donna Quesada: So this is fascinating. Again, I’m stepping out and I’m trying to listen...
Awaken apologizes for the poor framing of Guru Rattana. It is the content of the...
Donna Quesada: And what are the family constellations that you’ve mentioned?
...Donna Quesada: That’s just precious. We have come back to the essence. By coming back...
Donna Quesada: Well, Jill, it’s just wonderful to meet you. I’m so thrilled and excited...
Awaken: A very good day to you, Mr. Einstein… we are so appreciative to have...
AWAKEN: Saint Hildegard, it is an honor to spend this time with you. May we...