Articles for: Barbara Marx Hubbard

An Evolutionary Conversation with Barbara Marx Hubbard by Alan Sasha Lithman


by Barbara Marx Hubbard: We are today living through a crisis that could destroy civilization and...

by Barbara Marx Hubbard: Conscious evolution is the evolution of evolution, from unconscious to conscious...

Barbara Marx Hubbard suggests that we are in a unique evolutionary phase in which the universe...

An interview with Barbara Marx Hubbard by Jessica Roemischer: Is sex evolving?


by Barbara Marx Hubbard: Conscious evolution is a “mother” meme…


In 1945 the United States dropped atomic bombs on Japan, and the world caught its...

by Barbara Marx Hubbard: This article is an excerpt from Andrew Beath’s book “Consciousness In Action:...

Barbara Marx Hubbard:  JEFFREY MISHLOVE, Ph.D.: Hello and welcome. I’m Jeffrey Mishlove. Our topic today...

by Barbara Marx Hubbard:  Deep in the hidden process of our metamorphosis we can see...

Barbara Marx Hubbard is a futurist whose life is a testimony to her belief that...

by Barbara Marx Hubbard:  Do you want to go beyond the competitive culture of the...

by Barbara Marx Hubbard: And now behold, bound by the Spirit, I go unto Jerusalem…


by Barbara Marx Hubbard: Abstract: Conscious evolution is emerging in our generation because humanity has gained the...

by Barbara Marx Hubbard: I believe my start, born of a Jewish, agnostic secular father, was...

by Jair Robles:  An increasing number of people are becoming aware that humanity is approaching a...

by Barbara Marx Hubbard: Evolution is evolving from unconscious chance to conscious choice. We are entering the...

by Carter Phipss:  This is an excerpt from my book, Evolutionaries, published in 2012…


by Barbara Marx Hubbard: How new worldviews emerge and social change occurs, and how a new awakening...

An interview with Barbara Marx Hubbard:


“Problems are evolutionary drivers.” – “Crises precede transformation.”


Barbara Marx Hubbard is a futurist whose life is a testimony to her belief that...