Articles for: Confucius

by Alan Watts: The philosophy of the Tao is one of the two great principal...

Confucian Analects translated by James Legge (1893) The Master Confucius said, “He who exercises government...

Confucian Analects translated by James Legge (1893) The Master Confucius: “Is it not pleasant to...

by Monique Abrams: Some lessons are eternal and unchanging…


In this video, he discusses and answers questions about Confucius and Confucianism.


Confucius translated by James Legge (1893) WHAT THE GREAT LEARNING teaches, is to illustrate illustrious...

“Their knowledge being extensive, their thoughts became sincere.” The foregoing from “The Great Learning” (Text,...

After instruction in self-development, men need to know their relation to their fellows. First in...

Confucius taught that one the key to self mastery was through scholarship and study. He...

“It is virtuous manners which constitute the excellence of a neighbourhood. If a man in...

What are the main teachings of Confucius? Confucius expounded a system of social and political...

“The practice of right-living is deemed the highest, the practice of any other art lower....

The central idea of Confucius is that every normal human being cherishes the aspiration to...