Articles for: daya mata videos

Sri Daya Mata, president and one of the earliest and foremost disciples of Paramahansa...

Part 6 of 11. A special memorial service was held to honor the life of...

Sri Daya Mata, president and one of the earliest and foremost disciples of Paramahansa...

A special Kirtan by SRF monks chanting “Door of My Heart” celebrated the life of...

Sri Daya Mata, president of the Self-Realization Fellowship founded by Paramahansa Yogananda, speaks about god...

According to reports, Elvis met Daya Mata, president and sanghamata of worldwide Self-Realization Fellowship headquartered...

Conclusion of the memorial service for Sri Daya Mata.


Sri Daya Mata, president and one of the earliest and foremost disciples of Paramahansa Yogananda...