Articles for: Deepak Chopra

By Deepak Chopra, MD, FACP, Smita Malhotra M.D., P. Murali Doraiswamy, M.D.


by Deepak Chopra & Eckhart Tolle: As part of The Chopra Center’s “Seduction of Spirit”...

by Deepak Chopra & Eckhart Tolle: As part of The Chopra Center’s “Seduction of Spirit”...

Deepak Chopra MD: To have worldly success, do you have to be worldly yourself? Most...

by Deepak Chopra: “It’s only when you make the process your goal that the big...

by Deepak Chopra: The state of loneliness can be crippling. Though the majority of people...

by Deepak Chopra: Everyone has things in their past that linger no matter how much...

by Peter Robb: When Deepak Chopra was a young doctor, he says he wondered why...

by Deepak Chopra M.D: Without really thinking it through, most people separate the practical side...

Deepak Chopra, the controversial New Age guru and booster of alternative medicine, lives just below...

by Kerry Close: Once about survival of the fittest, the next stage of evolution will...

by Deepak Chopra: In stressful times many more people feel fear than in normal times…


by Deepak Chopra, M.D.: The word “synchronicity” has become popular for describing coincidences that seem...

by Deepak Chopra: When they become parents, many people wonder how to impart spiritual values...

by Deepak Chopra: In 1994, after injuring her back and knee while training for the...

by Deepak Chopra: In its ambition to explain every aspect of the natural world, modern...

by Deepak Chopra, M.D: Feeling in control is a critical issue in everyone’s life…


By Deepak Chopra: In our prior post we reconstructed the concept of “you”, which we...

by Deepak Chopra: A pioneer in the field of mind-body medicine and author of dozens...

by Claudia Welss: Claudia Welss: Welcome, Dr. Chopra…


In Brotherhood, Deepak and Sanjiv Chopra reveal the story of their personal struggles and triumphs...

by Deepak Chopra: If you aspire to be successful as an entrepreneur, manager, business owner,...

by Deepak Chopra, M.D: At the level of consciousness or spirit, we are all inextricably...

by Deepak Chopra: Leadership is a hot topic and will always be one.
