by Joan Halifax Roshi: This past August, more than 50 people gathered in the Circle...
by Joan Halifax: It’s the concept of “other” that drives the evils the world suffers...
by Roshi Joan Halifax: (Exercise from The Lucky Dark) In teaching care of the dying,...
The struggle to establish a Theravada Bhikkhuni Sangha in Thailand has faced immense opposition from...
by Joan Halifax Roshi: The fourth boundless abode, equanimity, is the perfect partner of compassion… Joan Halifax Roshi: Learning to feel joy for others can help transform our own...
Beliefnet interviews the Zen priest Joan Halifax Roshi on how the principles of Buddhism can...
by Joan Halifax Roshi: It started 28 days ago, with a ragtag group of people...
Joan Halifax Roshi: A guide to allowing a gentle and meaningful death for our loved...
by Roshi Joan Halifax: The Large Sutra on Realizing Wisdom Beyond Wisdom marks a vital...
by Roshi Joan Halifax: Whether compassion is rooted deep in our biology or whether it...
by Roshi Joan Halifax: This excerpt is from Roshi Joan’s next book: Standing at the...
by Roshi Joan Halifax: On the 76th anniversary of the U.S. bombing of Hiroshima, Japan,...
Joan Halifax Roshi: Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive....
by Joan Halifax: Buddhist teacher Joan Halifax describes five “edge states” where courage meets fear...
by Roshi Joan Halifax: This excerpt is from Roshi Joan’s next book: Standing at the...
by Roshi Joan Halifax: An excerpt from Roshi Joan’s upcoming book, At the Edge… Joan Halifax Roshi: Compassion is not an idealized state. It is a profound realization...
by Roshi Joan Halifax: The Four Boundless Abodes are lovingkindness, compassion, sympathetic joy, and equanimity....
Excerpt from Religion and Spirituality in Adjusting to Bereavement; Grief as Burden, Grief as Gift...
by Roshi Joan Halifax: Compassion can change your life. Just ask Dr. Gary Pasternak, the...
Joan Halifax Roshi talks about life and her groundbreaking book, Being with Dying.