The Legacy of Wisdom, a non-profit project dedicated to developing a vision of best practices...
Zazen and Dharma Talk with Bob Thurman and Roshi Joan Halifax…
...Death and Dying is the subject of a new 18-hour on-line video workshop series featuring...
Roshi Joan Halifax answers the question, what role can Altruism play in making our financial...
Roshi Joan Halifax: reflects on how we can use tools like the Bucket List to...
Joan Halifax Roshi gives her take on the Mind and Life XVIII Conference
...This is a preview of a talk given by Joan Halifax Roshi. A full length...
Joan Halifax Roshi speaks to our own involvement in Health Care and how it needs...
Joan Halifax Roshi: What would be a personal secret of life?
...Buddhist Joan Halifax Roshi works with people at the last stage of life (in hospice...