Conversation with Joseph Campbell


God is a metaphor for a mystery that absolutely transcends all categories of human thought . . . . It’s as simple as that.  –Joseph Campbell

Sacred Stories We Live By


Stories, folklore, mythology and fairy tales have common elements in all cultures according to mythologist and scholar Joseph Campbell.

The Life and Contributions of Joseph Campbell

Joseph Campbell-awaken

Myths provide guidance for difficult times. They can offer encouragement as we struggle to survive horrendous ordeals.  Overview: Dr. Young was the founding curator of the Joseph Campbell Archives and Library.

Joseph Campbell on Marriage

joseph cambell and joan halifax

by John Michael De Marco: The late mythology professor Joseph Campbell is  best known for his book The Hero With a Thousand Faces, which inspired George Lucas to create Star Wars.

Joseph Campbell’s Mythic Journey

Joseph Campbell younger

Mythologist Joseph Campbell was a masterful storyteller. He could weave tales from every corner of the world into spell-binding narratives.