Articles for: Ram Dass

by Ram Dass: There’s a great line from a wonderful teacher who died some years...

by Ram Dass: The tools for positive transformation that I’m most aware of are the...

by Ram Dass: We need the matrix of thoughts, feelings, and sensations we call the...

When I look back on the suffering in my life, I now see it as...

by Ram Dass: We can’t mask impurities for very long. When we suppress or repress...

by Ram Dass: This is the path of love. The path of the heart…


by Ram Dass: My view has evolved to seeing death — the moment of death...

by Ram Dass: The basic rule is to ‘be here now…’


by Ram Dass: One of the things that makes relationships so difficult is the way...

by Ram Dass: At any moment, you are consciousness involved in a nature package…


by Ram Dass: Question:The problem seems to be that when you are in a relationship,


Raghu: Can you talk about how we go about cultivating compassion so that we start...

by Gary Goldstein: If you think becoming a “somebody” in life is an uphill climb,...

by Ram Dass: How can we make sex sacred?


Ram Dass was born Richard Alpert in Boston in 1931…


by Ram Dass: Our first question is, we would like for you to define the...

Dr. Richard Alpert, better known as Ram Dass, didn’t actually begin his journey of spirituality...

Ram Dass gets raw and real to talk gurus, spirituality, what inspires him most. the...

by Ram Dass: Try this exercise to develop mindfulness by meditating on one’s thoughts…


by Ram Dass: It is important, as we get older, to learn how to grieve…


It is hard to chronicle the era of the late 60s without reference to drugs—or...

by Ram Dass: Try this “Who Am I?” exercise…


by Kenneth Turan: Timothy Leary and Ram Dass were, at least as far as public...

No living person has had a greater ongoing impact on the spirituality of the boomer...