Articles for: ramana maharshi

Awaken: Thank you, Sri Ramana Maharshi, for honoring us with your time today. If I...

Question : How should a beginner start this practice? Ramana Maharshi: The mind will subside...

by Ram Dass: Ramana Maharshi said, “Look, it’s all very simple, everybody,”


by John David: Can you begin by telling us something about Ramana Maharshi’s early life?...

Ramana Maharshi: It was about six weeks before I left Madurai for good that the...

by Ramana Maharshi: In the mid-1920s, is the work that originated with answers written in...

Question : The yogis say that one must renounce this world and go off into...

by Ramana Maharsh: There is no doubt whatsoever that the universe is the merest illusion…


The Introduction to Sri Ramana Maharshi presents one of the most extra ordinary cases when...

Since some of the participants in discussions at this site respect the words of Ramana...

First and foremost – the most common questions are:


Question : Is samadhi the same as turiya, the fourth state? Ramana Maharshi: Samadhi, turiya...

Question : How is realization made possible? Ramana Maharshi: There is an absolute Self from...

Question : For controlling the mind, which of the two is better, performing japa of...

Question : What is the nature of the mind? Ramana Maharshi : The mind is...

Throughout the history of mankind spiritual giants have appeared on very rare occasions to exemplify...