by Arjuna Ardagh : My children both went to a Waldorf school. Rudolf Steiner founded...
by Rudolf Steiner: PEOPLE talk of the ‘spirit of a language,’ but it could hardly...
by John Davy: All over the world, but particularly in Western Europe, there are now...
Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) was born in Austria. He found his life’s work in the realms...
by William Bento, Ph.D.: Rudolf Steiner’s four lectures given in Berlin, Germany in November 1910...
Rudolf (Rudolf Joseph Laurence) Steiner, who was of German-Austrian origin, was born on 25 February,...
Honoring One of the Most Spiritually Gifted and Accomplished Figures of the 20th Century Rudolf Steiner: In Max Dessoir’s book, From Beyond the Soul there is a brief...
by Rudolf Steiner: A man reflecting on his own nature soon becomes conscious that there...
by Rudolf Steiner: IN MY BOOK, Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Its Attainment, the...
by Rudolf Steiner: There is a beautiful saying by Hegel: The most profound thought is...
by Rudolf Steiner: Today I should like to add depth to what bas been recently...