Articles for: Rumi

Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi was a Persian poet, an Islamic dervish and a Sufi mystic.


by Chad Foreman: “Study me as much as you like, you will not know me,...

by Rita Wehbe: “Christian, Jew, Muslim, shaman, Zoroastrian, stone, ground, mountain, river—each has a secret...

by Emily Jull: Faith traditions have the potential to give their practitioners many profoundly important...

There has been a lot of talk lately surrounding a possible movie which will tell...

Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi (September, 30 1207 – December, 17 1273), known more popularly in...

by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee: “God does not look at your outer forms, but at the love...

by Ashleigh Wilson: Unveiling the Truth About Love…


by Alexa Erickson:Having inspiring individuals throughout our time to serve as a means of bringing...

By Luminita Saviuc: “Study me as much as you like, you will not know me,...

by Jane Ciabattari: This 807-year-old Persian mystic and dervish has a massive following in the...

by Paul C Pritchard: Life brings wonderous challenges: sacred thorns that enable us to cultivate...

Let yourself be drawn by the stronger pull of that which you truly love. –...

by Jolene Bridges: I don’t know whether it was synchronicity, fate, or a blessing, but...

by Fariduddien Rice: True and False Sufis, from Mawlana Jalaluddin Rumi (Allah be pleased with...

“Wine in ferment is a beggar suing for our ferment, Heaven in revolution is a...

The Persian poet and mystic Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Balkhi (1207-1273), better known as Rumi, endures...

The deliciousness of milk and honey is the reflection of the pure heart: from that...

Have you ever reflected on the many forms that religious experience takes, the various archetypes...

by Brad Gooch: Arriving in Konya, a medium-sized city in Turkey’s Central Anatolian heartland, about...

by Rachel Aviv: Several years ago Kabir Helminski, a sheikh of the Mevlevi Order of...