by Shakti Gawain: New World Library cofounder Shakti Gawain talks about how her international bestseller...
Shakti Gawain author of LIVING IN THE LIGHT & CREATIVE VISUALIZATION answers the question, “How...
Shakti Gawain talks about New World Library’s 35-years in the publishing business, the 25th...
New World Library cofounder and bestselling author Shakti Gawain talks about New World Library’s 35-years...
Shakti Gawain presents exercises to enjoy creative visualization.
...Shakti Gawain explains what an affirmation is and how to make thought forms that are...
New World Library co-founders Marc Allen and Shakti Gawain tell host Jill Lublin how their...
Bestselling author Shakti Gawain offers a hopeful New Year’s message for 2012.
...This is the official book trailer for the 25th Anniversary Edition of Shakti Gawain’s LIVING...
Shakti Gawain discusses visualization and how to experience creative imagery.