Articles for: Sharon Salzberg

by Sharon Salzberg: There is no doubt that “mindfulness” is having a moment in the...

Sharon Salzberg teaches on why equanimity is important, and how to foster it…


by Sharon Salzberg: Switching from a passive recipient of love to a living embodiment of...

Omega Institute: talks with Sharon Salzberg, who urges us to live from love and take...

by Sharon Salzberg: There’s a tiny voice in the back of our minds that plays...

by Sharon Salzberg: We cannot force ourselves to move on from a painful situation…


Loving-kindness and compassion are the basis for wise, powerful, sometimes gentle, and sometimes fierce actions...

by Sharon Salzberg: On July 4, many Americans celebrate freedom – both the freedoms we...

Moderated by Melvin McLeod: Sharon Salzberg: In speaking about metta practice, or loving-kindness practice, one...

Sharon Salzberg shares this practice for strengthening your ability to concentrate so you can empower...

by Sharon Salzberg: A while back, I asked readers to suggest subjects for me to...

by Sharon Salzberg: To be kind to others, you need to start with yourself…


by Sharon Salzberg: When the Buddha introduced the idea of intention 2,500 years ago, the...

Where are you heading? What’s really important to you? Sharon Salzberg on the clearest, most...

by Sharon Salzberg: Feeling disconnected? Try this loving-kindness practice…


by Sharon Salzberg: Join Sharon Salzberg in February for her eighth annual Real Happiness Meditation...

by Sharon Salzberg: We all yearn for connection, yet often feel trapped by our sense...

by Sharon Salzberg: Let your brilliance shine with three days of guided mindfulness practices to...

by Sharon Salzberg: It’s only after we’ve practiced many times that we’ll begin to notice...

by Sharon Salzberg: Meditation teacher Sharon Salzberg takes an honest look at the pain and...