by (Bliss Music): Before my spiritual awakening, I was always trying to feel loved through...
by Swati: The meeting of Atman with the Paramatma in simple terms is Samadhi…
...By Karen Maezen Miller: Hold the sadness and pain of samsara in your heart and...
by Jay Vidyarthi: When the world feels out of control, it helps to take time...
by Ashley Brown: Animals of all kinds, especially the ones sharing our home, can be...
by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: Last week we learned about the first two levels of the...
Bruce H. Lipton, PhD: The Truth about ‘Chaos’.
...This incredible film as it has been discontinued yet it is a very important representation...
by Shane Koyczan: Poet and author narrates this poignant short video from the Dalai Lama...
by Rochelle Bourgault: “Intuition can become mute, stifled, or drowned out when we find ourselves...
We all have the capability — like the Indigenous shaman — to look to our...
by Marty Cottler, Ph.D: While it may sound easy, practicing compassion for ourselves is quite...
Mikao Usui was a renowned Tendai Buddhist and the founder of what we know today...
(Spirituality and Practice): The root of the word “character” is the Greek kharaktēr, an engraving...
by Jennifer David-Flynn: Remembering the revolutionary sound that helped popularize Transcendental Meditation…
...Sandra Ingerman: In the newspaper I read an interview with a man who said he...
by Ed and Deb Shapiro: As the great Zen teacher, Alan Watts said: We all...
A fragment from mini-series called “Out On a Limb” – 1987. With Shirley MacLaine and...
(Karma Tube): With spectacular visual images, this film reminds us of the necessity of connecting...
(Pat the Movie Critic): Hollywood has a reputation for religions experimentation…
...Dr. KD Farris’s roots as a therapist, healer, and bodyworker have seeded over the past...
by Preethaji & Krishnaji: Exclusive interview with Preethaji on oneness, spiritual growth and the four...