Articles for: tech

by Sarah Golden: Regular readers of Energy Weekly know Energy Efficiency Day is one of...

by Mona Dajani: Using renewable electricity to convert water to hydrogen fuel is one answer...

by Vanessa Bates Ramirez: Do you want to live to be 100?


by Barnaby De Hoedt: Henry Ford’s Model T was famously made partly from hemp bioplastic...

by Caroline Delbert: Tough break for fossil fuels…


by Prachi Patel: Putting solar farms on water has benefits, but coupling them with hydropower...

by Ben Jervey: By combining intermittent renewable energy sources through hybrid projects, developers are taking...

by Daniel Cusick: Coastal areas of the state are national leaders in adopting a standard...

by Vanessa Bates Ramirez: Dramatic political polarization. Rising anxiety and depression. An uptick in teen...

Design professional have perhaps the most difficult task when trying to adapt to new industry...

by Suzanne LaBarre: Millions of students are learning through Zoom this fall. So why does...

by Bob Marcotte: A “potassium-promoted” catalyst brings the Navy’s quest to power its ships by...

by Vanessa Bates Ramirez: The upcoming US presidential election seems set to be something of...

by Jonathan Gitlin: The study ran for nine years at Norway’s Smøla wind farm…


by Zach Baron: Tech oracle Jaron Lanier warned us all about the evils of social...

by Peter Diamandis: Imagine making fuel, plastics, and concrete out of “thin air.” That’s the...

by Peter H. Diamandis: Convergence is accelerating disruption… everywhere! Exponential technologies are colliding into each...

by (U.S Dept Of Energy): A quintillion calculations a second. That’s one with 18 zeros...

by Vanessa Bates Ramirez: Around 1.9 million people in the US are currently living with...

by Jordan Davidson: While some are trying to clean up the plastic pollution in the...

Politician and activist Al Gore answers the Internet’s most searched questions about climate change…


Don’t miss this crucial conversation with former Vice President and climate change activist Al Gore...

by Russell Brand: Environmentalist and former Vice President Al Gore joins me to discuss his...

In his latest TED talk, Al Gore, founder and chairman of The Climate Reality Project,...