Articles for: Uplifting News

by Rania Naim: Self-love is the best remedy. It’s the best form of healing…


by Lena Schmidt: Everyone has masculine and feminine energies…


by Guru Singh: Value is what you must live ‘as’ in each moment; it’s called...

20 Desert Landscaping Ideas For Your Front Yard


by Paulo Coelho: I had proposed to publish here, once a year, texts by Carlos...

Interviewed by Riz Khan, best-selling author Paulo Coelho discusses the events that led to his...

by Maria Popova: “You have to learn to recognize your own depth.”


by Dr. Nikki Starr Noce, MD: As you may have already guessed, the true meaning...

by Swami Sivananda: Christmas is known to all men the world over historically as the...

Though he never set foot in America, his spiritual influence manifested in the work of...

by Life Positive: “He appeared and disappeared for years, being known by different names in...

by Dada Mukerjee: Babaji’s miracles were well-known. Swami Vijayananda, an eminent sadhu writing about Babaji,...

Neem Karoli Baba (Maharajji) as explained by Ram Dass.


A brief clip of Ernest Holmes speaking about the power of the belief on This...

A talk by Ernest Holmes.


by Ernest Holmes: Chapter 1 ESCAPE TO LIFE


by Ernest Holmes: Part I: INTRODUCTION An Overview of the Evolution of Humanity’s Thought


In the new book, “The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World” (Avery),...

We hear a lot about “joy to the world” this time of year. This morning,...

by Marianne Williamson: The holidays are only holy if we make them so…


The eight-day Jewish celebration known as Hanukkah or Chanukah commemorates the rededication during the second...

Celine Dion singing, “O Holy Night,” from her 1997 album, “These Are Special Times.” Merry...

Carlsbad Caverns National Park, New Mexico


Carlos Castaneda, Tales from the Jungle – Special BBC Carlos Castaneda (Portugues subtitled – 6...