Articles for: Uplifting News

by Gabrielle Bernstein: Today I’m really excited to share a lesson from my book The...

The words themselves actually emit a unique vibration that the water is sensing…


by Lauren Venosta: Winter is a time when indulgent foods are really desirable. Next time...

Riz talks to Brazilian author, lyricist and novelist Paulo Coelho. Best known for his novel...

The definitive biography of Paulo Coelho, one of the worlds most popular and widely read...

Inspirational quotes of love by Paulo Coelho.


by Open Culture: Paulo Coelho: The road to success runs right through failure. It’s an...

BiBi’s cute reaction when she first see a piglet…


by Sue Van Raes: While you may have thought you needed a good excuse to...

In our series World of Worship, we’re exploring different ways people practice faith and religion...

Donna Quesada: What have been your practices? I imagine that maintaining a state of awakening...

by Neale Donald Walsch: Might this be a fine stretch of eternity during which to...

In a conversation with John M. Whiteley, Skinner addresses important issues in education.


Kootenay National Park, located in British Columbia,


by Sue Van Raes: Before you reach for a “boring” glass of orange, apple, or...

Amy Winehouse sings All My Loving by The Beatles . 2004 [Remastered]…


Donna Quesada: That leads me to another point, if I can. You spoke about existential...

by Deepak Chopra, M.D.: Before I began meditating I felt that I had two advantages:...

by Ocean Robbins: Bananas aren’t just for monkeys…


Donna Quesada: Well, Richard. It’s so nice to finally have this time with you.


The Tattvas as Basic Elements of Reality—
