Articles for: Uplifting News

by Pema Chodron: In order to have compassion for others, we have to have compassion...

by Chris McDermott: Erin from Scotland had already switched to a completely plant-based diet when...

by Max Dashú: This is a brief summary of a visual presentation…


Red Rock Canyon in Arizona, USA with water running through the canyon and brown sand...

He was condemned to death for telling the ancient Greeks things they didn’t want to...

by Peter Diamandis: This past week, I picked up and read Tim Ferriss’ new book...

by Shunryu Suzuki: This lecture is reprinted from the October 2001 Berkeley Zen Center Newsletter.


An interview with Barbara Marx Hubbard by Jessica Roemischer: Is sex evolving?


by Jonathan Robinson: I’ve only met Trump once, but it made a lasting impression. After...

ny Peter Diamandis: The field of stem cells (Cellular Medicine) is poised to revolutionize medicine,...

Donna Quesada: And why Kundalini Yoga? That became your path?


Swami Kripalu was a devoted yogi with an inquisitive mind who explored every facet of...

We live in a world of unseeable beauty, so subtle and delicate that it is...

From “Life Lessons: Two Experts on Death and Dying Teach Us About the Mysteries of...

Lost in the beauty of winter’s embrace


Commenting on the prize, Stewart said, “I am truly honored to receive this award. I...

Donna Quesada: Well, let’s go there. How do we get there? In your case, it...

by Matt Montellione: “Star Wars” is more then a movie; it contains ancient philosophies of...

Jim Carrey: The Power of Consciousness…


Donna Quesada: Well, Guruprem…Welcome and thank you for joining us.


Wind River Range from the Bridger Wilderness, Wyoming
