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New Nanomaterial Pulls Hydrogen From Seawater To Power Fuel Cells

by Lacy Cooke: Hydrogen can be obtained from seawater to power fuel cells, but the process is typically costly because of the electricity required…


Researchers created a nanomaterial that can do the job more efficiently. According to the University of Central Florida (UCF), the advance “could someday lead to a new source of the clean-burning fuel.”


UCF assistant professor Yang Yang has been working on solar hydrogen splitting for almost a decade. In the process, a photocatalyst sets off a chemical reaction with energy from light. But the photocatalysts don’t work as well in seawater – they don’t stand up well to salt and seawater’s biomass. Yang’s research team came up with a new catalyst that’s not only good for splitting purified water in a laboratory, but can better endure seawater and even harvest light from a broader spectrum.

Yang said, “We can absorb much more solar energy from the light than the conventional material. Eventually, if it is commercialized, it would be good for Florida’s economy. We have a lot of seawater around Florida and a lot of really good sunshine.”

University of Central Florida, Yang Yang, hydrogen, solar hydrogen splitting, hydrogen fuel, fuel cell, fuel cells, seawater, water, hydrogen gas, alternative energy, energy, alternative fuel, fuel, science, nanomaterial, nanomaterials

He said in many cases it’s better to use the sun’s energy to create a chemical fuel than to generate electricity with solar panels. Hydrogen gas can be transported and stored easily. UCF said it’s relatively cheap and easy to make the catalyst, which is comprised of a hybrid material.

The journal Energy & Environmental Science published the research the end of September. Scientists from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Washington and Tsinghua University in China collaborated on the study. Yang and his team plan to continue researching how to scale up the catalyst fabrication, and to work on splitting hydrogen from wastewater with the catalyst.

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Source: AWAKEN


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