Notable Living Contemporary Teachers

Home Base
Chennai, India

Foundation of Teaching
Awareness, Oneness, Compassion, Love

Example of Teaching
“No idea is absolute & that includes the idea of “God” as well. any idea, if believed to be absolute could be more binding than liberating.”

One World Academy North America
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Ananda Giri

Ananda Giri is a gifted spiritual teacher with over 23 years of experience in teaching and guiding advanced spiritual retreats, Ananda Giri’s deep insights coupled with his unassuming and friendly presence continue to inspire ever more people world-over to live a joyous life, free of inner conflict.

Over the last 15 years he has addressed varied audiences in all the six major continents  and more recently, at the prestigious Aspen Institute and Harvard University. Currently Ananda Giri travels extensively around the world conducting the day long immersion programs called “awareness and freedom ” and the two day courses known as “A new beginning ”

Between the years 1999-2006, under the guidance of One World Academy founder 
Krishna, he actively engaged in numerous rural development projects in
 South India, contributing to social and spiritual development in and 
around 150 villages. Even today, he is loved, respected and fondly 
remembered in these villages for the profound shifts that he 
facilitated in their lives. More recently, he was part of ‘Healing the
Gulf’, a charitable initiative of the OWA Foundation aimed at 
providing physical, emotional and spiritual support to the victims of
the Gulf states of the USA during the 2010 oil spill disaster and the 
2011 Tornado in Tuscaloosa.

Early on in his childhood, a series of life incidents lead him to join 
the Jeevashram School founded by Sri Bhagavan at the age of 11. This 
was where he first met Krishna, who has since been his friend, mentor
 and a spiritual guide.

Ananda Giri is Senior Faculty member at One World Academy.



  1. “Being part of a uninverse that is constantly changing and evolving, does it even sound reasonable that one is looking for absolutes.”
  2. “Love is a natural expression of the intelligent mind & intelligent action is a natural outcome of Love.”
  3. “Living on a planet that accommodates all, it doesn’t make sense that some of us cannot even accommodate another’s point of view.”
  4. “Awareness is the enemy of habit.”
  5. “We need a mind that is spacious in order to love. Such a spacious mind is possible, only if one chooses to live  a life of mind fullness.”
  6. “Between the conformist & the non conformist, I would say the non conformist is a better bet for a new world that requires a new thinking.”
  7. “Inner conflict exists only in resistance to the truth of what u actually are.”
  8. “True unity is in realizing that all views are equally true and equally extraordinary.”
  9. “There is a place for all in this world. There is no need to feel insecure about another’s point of view. The beauty is in diversity.”
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