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7 Relationship Goals To Build Relationships

by Teresa Sahli: February is the month we recognize and celebrate love in any and all forms…


It’s the perfect time to pay attention to how we can better care for our relationships with others. Healthy relationships with friends, family, and colleagues are an important part of a happy life and healthy emotional well-being. And to some, our romantic relationships are the icing on the cake.

I’m Teresa Salhi and I offer expert relationship guidance to women seeking harmonious, romantic partnerships. Along with that comes life balance with career, family, and self-care. Whether you’re curious how to make friends or how to deepen your relationship with your significant other, below are seven suggestions that can help you find and develop long-lasting, genuine connections and romance, regardless of the stage you may be in now.

And because I find exponential benefits of using CBD oil and essential oils in nearly every aspect of life, I’ve also included some of my favorites to help you create an inner and external environment that fosters health, peace, love, and harmony. Those are listed below in the article.

e all have a basic need for authentic love, belonging and connection. As human beings one of the scariest, yet most rewarding aspects of our lives; can be that of being close to others, allowing ourselves to be vulnerable and open. The more we develop a relationship and witness it experience it evolve into valuable social support and communication, we are more likely to live healthier lives well into our golden years.

However, there can be another side to the relationship coin. The loss of an important relationship can be one of the most distressing things a person can go through. To need other people and yet know that it is possible for other people to hurt you. What can you do? The best answer is to cultivate genuine relationships in every aspect. Here are seven suggestions to help you:

1.   Let go of resistance and open up to starting and accepting conception of new relationships: Usually, a new relationship starts with seeing someone or being introduced and simply talking to him or her. It may start with small talk about the location, the occasion, or the weather and gradually move to conversations of more substance. The better you are at initiating or being open to receiving new relationships, the more chances you have for increased social support. Who have you initiated a conversation with in the last week? Can you make that a priority today?

2.    Expand the connection: Someone can go from an acquaintance to a friend or more when you discover you have things in common. Seek to reveal easily something about him or her that is interesting, complimentary or allows you to give them appreciation. Getting to know someone and feeling known by someone is a satisfying experience because it can fulfill our deep-rooted need for love and belonging. Be patient: Growing an authentic relationship can take time. Do you ask questions and then be fully present by listening with your heart when they respond? Or do you only think about how you will answer? Presence is a powerful feminine magnetism tool.

3.    Avoid sacrificing boundaries for companionship: Determine the right balance between safety and support. The closer the relationship, the more potential support. The danger with close relationships is that they may lack boundaries and put you at risk for being hurt and mistreated. Just because you have been in a relationship with someone for a long time does not mean that it is a safe relationship. Recognize red flags that are putting you at risk and be responsive to your feelings. Do you have any repetitive behaviors that put you in a victim or vulnerable role in relationships? Remember you are powerful and worthy. Having boundaries is not expecting the worst it is merely attracting in the best.

4.    Prioritize your relationships: Not all relationships are equal. Closer relationships require more time, care, and investment. Evaluate if the caretaking that you are putting into your relationships is proportional to the priority level they have in your life. Don’t erroneously take for granted your most dear relationships simply because you are used to them being there. Who can you connect with today?

5.    Learn from challenges: When relationships experience challenges or adversity, it can be easy to hold on to the pain, drama, and trauma. It can unconsciously lead to shaming or blaming. Take responsibility if you had any part in making things worse or be the one to try to mend the connection. At the very least you can move on with closure. Do you have any unresolved relationship wounds that need mending in some way?

6.    Be joyful and grateful for the experiences in each of your relationships: Healthy relationships usually have five positive interactions to every one negative interaction. Sometimes there are many positive things happening in your relationships that go unappreciated. Notice those always and feel how your deep gratitude as you express your appreciation to those who love and serve you. Can you find at least 5 qualities to admire in each of your relationships? Have you told them?

7. Practice cultivating your best relationship with yourself:  There is no relationship more important than the one you have with yourself. An empowered woman who is consistently engaging in her inner feminine genius knows this to be true. It often takes practice as we live in a life that is fast-paced and often stress-inducing. At times, you may feel lost, feeling exhausted, or continually feeling disconnected. These are signs that you need to forgo doing more ‘out there’ for a while. Take some time to check within, give yourself first what you find yourself wanting others to give you. We cannot receive from others what we are not willing to give them or give ourselves. How do you practice self-care? Do you take time each day to listen to your feminine wisdom and honor it?

Source: Empower The Dream


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