Notable Living Contemporary Teachers

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Place of Birth
St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Foundation of Teaching
Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression, Paranormal

Example of Teaching
“The spirits live out there in the void where it is very light and mostly energy. But as it gets closer to the Earth and the more physical aspect of the universe, the light condenses down into solid physical form.”

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Dolores Cannon

Dolores Cannon (1931-2014) was internationally renowned for her work in the field of hypnosis and paranormal research and specialized in past life regression beginning in 1979. She also taught a powerful induction method to other hypnotherapists. She worked extensively as a hypnotist with abductees and wrote four books dealing with UFO research.

Cannon was born in St. Louis Missouri and learned hypnotherapy from her husband, naval officer Johnny Cannon. He provided hypnotherapy for smoking cessation and weight loss to people living near the naval base in Texas.

Through her Ozark Mountain Publishing Company, Cannon published numerous books on metaphysics, reincarnation, UFOS & Aliens and Nostradamus.

Cannon is the first American and foreigner to receive the Bulgarian Orpheus Award for highest achievement in research of psychic phenomenon.



  1. “The awakening is the purpose. The awakening of the fact that in essence we are light, we are love. Each cell of our body, each cell and molecule of everything. The power source that runs all life is light. So to awaken to that knowledge, and to desire to operate in that realm, and to believe that it is possible, are all factors that will put you there.”
  2. “So it seems as though this part of us that is living a life on Earth is only a small piece or splinter of a much larger us. That we are many rather than one, or rather pieces of a more complex whole. We are only able to focus on the splinter we perceive as our totality. That is a good thing, because if we were aware of the complexity of it we would not be able to function in this world or reality. We are only able to see the facade that masks a much larger picture. Only now are we being allowed to peek behind the veil.”
  3. “The spirits live out there in the void where it is very light and mostly energy. But as it gets closer to the Earth and the more physical aspect of the universe, the light condenses down into solid physical form.”
  4. “2012 is the date most people are focussed on, and many of them are thinking it’s the end of the world, the end of everything, the doom and gloom scenarios. I don’t see it that way, because in my work, it is the culmination, the beginning of everything. The end of the world as we know it, but that’s because there’s going to be a new earth forming. It’s the end of the old earth, the one that has all of the traumatic things happening. Because we’re moving into a totally new earth.”
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