Notable Living Contemporary Teachers


Home Base
Valley Head, Alabama USA

Foundation of Teaching
Peace, Forgiveness, Compassion, Love, Spiritual Laws of Prosperity

Example of Teaching
“Act as if you have already achieved your goals.  Belive that you receive.  Acting with confidence and faith in yourself and your potential sends a powerful message to the universe.”

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The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity: A Simple Guide to Unlimited Abundance

Edwene Gaines Presents Commitment…The Flame of Focused Passion!

Prosperity Plus [With Earbuds] (Playaway Adult Nonfiction)


Edwene Gaines Seminars, LLC
Prosperity Products
P.O. Box 125, Valley Head, Alabama  35989
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Edwene Gaines

An ordained Unity minister since 1979, Edwene Gaines is a noted seminar leader who works with thousands of people each year across the United States and in South America on personal issues of prosperity, integrity, commitment and finding purpose for their lives. She is the owner-director of Rock Ridge Retreat Center in Valley Head, Alabama, where she holds retreats and conferences several times a year.

In her best-selling book, The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity, Edwene sends an empowering message about the true meaning of prosperity-to help anyone achieve a life of material and spiritual abundance.

Imagine if you could achieve a life of true prosperity, Edwene explains in her book. Enjoying a healthy body through which you experience relationships that are satisfying and intimate, honest, and nurturing; work you love so much that it’s not work-it’s play; all the money you can spend. Living at this exceptional level is not only possible–it’s right there for you, if you abide by the four spiritual laws of prosperity.



  1. “When any of us puts our intention out there, and we make a 100% commitment to that intention, and we make every step a step of impeccability, a step of integrity–then somehow the universe opens up a way where before there was no way.”
  2. “Every single one of us has everything it takes to begin today to live our lives at that level where they work all the time, in every area–all it takes is a conscious intention.”
  3. “If you desire something, and then deny that you desire it, that’s cowardice and spiritual laziness. And what’s more it’s a lie.”
  4. “Money is an energy system we are using right now, which one day I believe will one day disappear.”
  5. “God wants us to do more, to have more and to play big.”
  6. “My name is Edwene Gaines and what I want you to know about me is that I am a woman of power. And I’m a woman of passion and I care deeply about you and me and all of our brothers and sisters on earth and it is my full intention to make a difference on this planet.”
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