Notable Living Contemporary Teachers

Place of Birth
Kot Harkarn, Pujab India

Foundation of Teaching
Sikhism, Kundalini Yoga, Compassion, Presence

Example of Teaching
“When you don’t go within, you go without.”

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Yogi Bhajan

Siri Singh Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji (born as Harbhajan Singh Puri) (August 26, 1929–October 6, 2004), also known as Yogi Bhajan and Siri Singh Sahib, was a spiritual leader and entrepreneur who introduced Kundalini Yoga to the United States. He was the spiritual director of the 3HO (Healthy, Happy, Holy Organization) Foundation, with over 300 centers in 35 countries, and the founder of Sikh Dharma, a Sikh sect based in the United States.

While Yoga practice and philosophy is generally considered a part of Hindu culture, Singh distinguished himself as a teacher and practitioner of yoga and a Sikh. He quoted Bhai Gurdas to say, “The Sikhs who are Yogis remain detached and wakeful in the world of attachments.”

While adhering to the three pillars of Patanjali’s traditional yoga system: discipline, self-awareness and self-dedication (Patanjali Yoga Sutras, II:1), Kundalini Yoga as taught by Singh did not condone extremes of asceticism or renunciation. Singh encouraged his students to marry, establish businesses, and be fully engaged in society. Rather than worshiping God, Singh insisted that his students train their mind to experience God.

His students referred to Singh’s yoga teachings as Raj Yoga which they described as the yoga of living detached, yet fully engaged in the world.  In respect of the rigor of his teachings, Singh would find kinship with other 20th century Sikh sadhu saints, such as Sant Baba Attar Singh, Sant Baba Nand Singh, and Bhai Randhir Singh. In the outreach of his teachings, Singh’s contributions are unparalleled in modern times.

An Olive Branch—an organization formed in 2011 to respond to ethical misconduct in spiritual communities—found that “much of the alleged conduct,” that surfaced late in 2019, against Yogi Bhajan, “more likely than not occurred.

The report and findings were issued on August 13, 2020. Awaken finds these allegations abominable, and beneath anyone, but especially a spiritual teacher.

With that said, we made the decision to retain his home page here because we still stand behind the technology of Kundalini Yoga as a means to expand consciousness and awaken, and we acknowledge his role in establishing it here in the west.



  1. “You have to bounce in life with joy. Your strength lies in your smiles and your songs.”
  2. “Your strength lies in your smiles and your songs.”
  3. “Compassion is for the very strong. Compassion does not come to the weak. People who are unkind, bullies, use rude language, are not strong people. They are very weak people.”
  4. “Any woman on this planet who values herself as a woman is great. She is a giver of life. And when you are a giver of life, what more is there?”
  5. “You don’t have to learn to be wise. If you just flow you can be successful. Mother Nature will carry you.”
  6. “Life is simple. Life is not complicated. Life is only one thing: Identify yourself.”
  7. “There are three things you cannot hide: smell of the garlic, fragrance of the flower and the wisdom of the teacher.”
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