Sage incense has been used for balancing, purification, and spiritual rituals.

There are hundreds of different types of incense…  all with benefits.

Be sure to buy incense that is pure without chemicals… or make your own natural aromatherapy incense.

Also use incense sparingly, just like anything you burn it does give off carcinogens… and the same goes for scented candles and anything else that’s burned or heated.

And in this day and age of lots of toxins it’s important to limit your exposure to more toxins.

Even aromatherapy oils that are heated, they may give off toxic compounds depending upon what they are made of… so use them sparingly.

Yet for all the negative things about incense… once in a great while using incense in an open environment may do a person great good.

We use incense at home once in awhile, my wife loves incense… and like everything else keep it all in balance.

Source: Om Times