True Prayer Comes from the Heart: For the Animals – Donna Quesada

  by Donna Quesada: The guided prayer featured in this video, For the Animals, is from the new release called New Prayers to Mary. A portion of all proceeds from this track will be donated to animal rescue efforts. Please share! Presenting… New Prayers to Mary True prayer comes from the heart. It is an […]

Encountering Maslow

Dr, Abraham Maslow-AWAKEN

Historian Jessica Grogan tells the life and influence of Abraham Maslow in Humanistic psychology.

Maslow and Self Actualization

Hierarchy of Needs-AWAKEN

A brief biography of the life and work of American psychologist Abraham Maslow best known for creating the hierarchy of needs, 

The Gurdjieff Work


A lecture by Kevin Langdon, March 20, 1992. In the Fourth Way, one works on the mind, the body, and the feelings simultaneously.