The Holidays are Only Holy If We Make Them So – Marianne Williamson
by Marianne Willimson: Consider something new and miraculous.
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Waqrapukara Archaeological Site from Cusco Peru
Awaken Interviews Chris Steely Pt 2 – Plant Medicines Are a Channel For Consciousness
Donna Quesada: Well, I just love changing my mind, or liberating myself from those biases, you know…
Catherine Ingram A Thunderstorm in the Open Sky: On Suffering and Freedom
Q: Catherine Ingram, you have been leading Dharma Dialogues in several cities in recent years. Can you summarize what you teach?
Elaine Pagels’ Search for Christ the Mystic
The “muscular” Christ is back. He’s tough on his enemies and his word is absolute. But is that who Christ really was?
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Apukuna Tiananis a Quechua word that means ”The abode of the gods”, is located in the Poroy district in the Cusco region in Peru.
The Arrival Of Light And The Peace It Portends – Marianne Williamson
by Marianne Williamson: Hanukkah is the Festival of Lights, a time Jews are reminded that God’s light is provided even in times of greatest darkness.
Transcendence or Immanence? Balancing Heaven and Earth
by David Loy: At the heart of Buddhist teachings is a crucial ambiguity that has become increasingly problematic as Buddhism has globalized.
9 Indications You’re Experiencing A Spiritual Awakening
1. You’re creating your own beliefs. Many self-defined spiritual people can talk to you at length for hours about spiritual beliefs of others, but when it comes to their own beliefs,
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Don”t know if it is real and it still is very awesome.
Earth Keepers Summit – Free Event
The future of the Earth is in your hands and with that lies great power to build a new future.
Leonard Jacobson Nurturing the Seed of Presence
by Leonard Jacobson: Being present is immensely worthwhile. It opens you into the truth of life.
Ricky Martin – Livin’ La Vida Loca
Ricky Martin’s official music video for ‘Livin’ La Vida Loca’.
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Alberta, Canada
Harmony of Being: Returning To Our True Nature – Dr. Steve Taylor
by Dr. Steve Taylor: From time to time, we all have experiences when restlessness and discontent fade away, and we’re filled with a sense of ease,
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World’s oldest olive tree in Greece on Crete island is 3500 years Old!
Ken Wilber: What is the meaning of life?
by Ken Wilber: There are so many different ways to answer that, and of course there are so many different answers that have been given over the decades, centuries, and millennia. It’s probably the ultimate human question.
Awaken Interviews Sri Ramana Maharshi – Your Duty Is To Be… I Am That I Am
Awaken: Thank you, Sri Ramana Maharshi, for honoring us with your time today. If I may, I will start by diving right into the heart of things… What does it mean to awaken?
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Taft Point, Yosemite Park, United States
The Power of Bhakti: The Yoga of Devotion – Donna Quesada
by Donna Quesada: As I sit, gazing at the little figurine of the Virgin Mary that sits beside my bed, I am remembering how my Italian grandma used to bring me to church as a girl.
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The Willamette Meteorite, discovered in Oregon a century ago,
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Barn Owl in first light. Kolakata, West Bengel
Turkey Tail Cancer Benefits: How The Mushroom May Help Fight Cancer
Dr Sony Sherpa: Cancer is the leading cause of mortality, with roughly 10 million deaths, or one in six deaths, in 2020 due to the condition.
Awaken Interviews Chris Steely Pt 1 – Enlightenment Is More Like a Rheostat than a Light Switch
Donna Quesada: Well, it’s so nice to meet you! Chris Steely: Nice to meet you, as well.