The Stubborn Gladness of Elizabeth Gilbert

The Stubborn Gladness of Elizabeth Gilbert

by Karen Bouris:  Before Eat, Pray, Love was a movie and a travel tour, it was a memoir by the award-winning writer Elizabeth Gilbert, whose story of losing and finding herself resonates with just about every woman who looks in the mirror.

Forgiveness- Donna Quesada


by Donna Quesada: Although I have written about forgiveness before, it continues to stand out in my mind as one of the essentials, in terms of self-work.

The Awakening Of Eckhart Tolle


By Paula Coppel:  On a recent visit to Unity Village, best-selling author and spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle opened up to talk about his life, his awakening and the teachings that are changing the world.

My Four Days With Eckhart Tolle


I was first introduced to Eckhart Tolle‘s teachings many years ago, while wandering through a bookstore on Michigan Ave. in Chicago. His book called to me, as books often do.

Tai Chi Breathing


by Dr. Paul Lam:  “What about the breathing?” Numerous students have asked me this question. Some teachers believe that breathing patterns should be very specific.

What is God?


Sadhguru speaks of the creator and creation and how people tend to divide between the two by thinking that the creator is great, but the creation is filthy.