Awaken Interviews Meher Baba: Love Is the Only Remedy

Donna Quesada for Awaken: Thank you for spending this time with us, Dear Meher Baba. It is greatly appreciated.
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Spreading the love and life goes on!
David Welch

David Welch is the founder and CEO of Awaken Global Media and Chief Editor of He is a Producer of the award-winning movie “Peaceful Warrior” and a member of the Screen Actors Guild and Directors Guild of America. David has an extensive background in front of and behind the camera in production of Film, […]
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Eastern Falls , probably my favorite here in Iceland.
Our Sacred Planet Mother Earth in all of it’s Amazing Beauty and the Quote of the Day 385

Lilac-Breasted Roller (Coracias caudatus) in Southern Africa by Mohammed Jinnah.
The Quantum Human: Expanding Multidimensional Awareness

Healing Humanity’s Ancient Wounds of Love, Awakening the Quantum Human & Expanding Embodied Multidimensional Awareness
The Hypnotist Pt 2 – Richard Bandler

The Hypnotist Taster by Richard Bandler – Part 2
Awaken Interviews Mary O’Malley Pt 3 – You Are an Imperfectly, Perfect, Totally Unique Expression of Life

Donna Quesada: What has been your greatest challenge, on your own path?
Tools of Kundalini Yoga: Chanting Ong to Protect Your Energy – Donna Quesada

Donna Quesada shares a simple but powerful meditation to protect your inner peace when there is chaos all around you.
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Great Grey Owl Photography: @Isaac Spotts
Creating Bioscalar Energy for Health

The following exercise was developed by Dr. Valerie Hunt as a means of empowering others to create bioscalar energy within their bodies to promote health and healing.
Awaken Interviews Mary O’Malley Pt 2 – Fixing Yourself Versus Accepting Yourself

Donna Quesada: Mary, you bring up an interesting point. This dichotomy of fixing yourself versus accepting yourself, when one takes to the healing path.
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St Volodymyr’s Cathedral is a cathedral in the centre of Kyiv.
Stanley Krippner Ph.D.: Spiritually Transformative Experiences

Psychologist Stanley Krippner talks about the Spiritually Transformative Experience and about how ACISTE (American Center for the Integration of Spiritually Transformative Experiences) is educating and training mental health professionals.
The Psychic World of Stanley Krippner: A quest to document ESP

June, 1970: an interesting time. Behind the scenes at the Grateful Dead Festival Express tour: an interesting place.
Stanley Krippner Lends Scientific Weight to Paranormal Dreams

Professor of Psychology and well-respected researcher Dr. Stanley Krippner explains how his research supports the reality of precognitive dreams.
Stan Grof – Finding Mission

The Legacy of Wisdom project asked consciousness pioneer Dr. Stanislav Grof about “finding our Mission” in life.
Stanislav Grof: Gender Differences

Dr. Stanislav Grof: discusses gender differences from a transpersonal perspective.
Adventure of Self-Discovery -Stanislav Grof

Stanislav Grof: proposes that individuals have systems of condensed experience (COEX systems) which become anchored to aspects of the birth trauma.
Stanislav Grof: How to Save the World Interview

Stanislav Grof: speaks about the importance of healing in his How to Save the World interview series, produced by the Transcendent Nation Foundation.
Awaken Interviews Mary O’Malley Pt I – The Essence of the Ocean of Being Is love

Donna Quesada: Mary, it’s wonderful to meet you. I want to thank you for spending time with us today.
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The Sunflower is Ukraine’s national flower. They are one of the biggest producers of sunflower oil and seeds.
Creative Visualization – Shakti Gawain

Shakti Gawain presents exercises to enjoy creative visualization.
Affirmations by Shakti Gawain

Shakti Gawain explains what an affirmation is and how to make thought forms that are positive and intuitive.