Healing Art That Utilizes Divine Energy and Consciousness – Ric Weinman
Jonathan Robinson: In this episode we talk to Ric Weinman about using higher energetics as a path to awakening and letting go of conditioning…
The Philosopher’s Martial Art
by Sam Langley: So……you want to learn a martial art but you don’t fancy rolling around on the floor with some guys groin in your face?
How To Befriend Your Life As It Is
by Willem Kuyken: Learning to befriend all moments places us firmly in the life we are living, rather than the ideal life we are prone to imagine or strive towards…
Viking Oceans: Turkey’s Whirling Dervishes
Dating from the thirteenth century, the Sema ritual performed by the Semezens from the Mevlevi Order of Whirling Dervishes…
Study Uses Paced Deep Breathing to Measure Dutch Workers’ HRV
The researchers who conducted a recently published study using a short breathing protocol to measure heart rate variability (HRV) in a large group of Dutch workers…
The Underrated Leadership Lesson That Lebron James Swears By
by Robert Glazer: There’s a key difference between giving to others, and investing in others…
Are You Experiencing Spiritual Awakening? 10 Key Signs To Look Out For
by Genefe Navilon: We all have a somewhat vague idea of spiritual awakening…
Quiet Spirituality
by Mirka Knaster: Maybe because I can talk up a storm, I love, even crave, silence. I feel safe in it…
Exactly How To Wash Your Fruits And Vegetables, According To Experts
Here’s the dirt on whether you really need to wash your produce (or use a special soap) and why it matters…
How Shamans, Alchemists & Physicists Are Similar By Alex K. Gearin, PhD
by Alex K. Gearin, PhD: Are there any common elements that may underlie the practices of leading physicists and scientists, Renaissance alchemists, and Amazonian ayahuasca healers?
How Mindfulness Meditation Develops A Flexible Mind
by Chad Foreman: I’m inspired to write this blog because my meditation skills and calm composure have been put to the test…
Whitney Houston Ft. Mariah Carey – When You Believe
Whitney Houston’s official music video for ‘When You Believe’ ft. Mariah Carey…
Catherine Ingram – Buddha At The Gas Pump Interview
by Catherine Ingram: Catherine Ingram is an international dharma teacher with communities in the U.S., Europe, and Australia…
100 Quotes From Terence McKenna
by Incrosnatu Danut: Without further ado, here is a big collection of the very best philosophical quotes from the psychedelic mind of the mushroom ambassador Terence McKenna…
Children Should Be Outside for 4-6 Hours Every Day
Let me begin by saying we are not outside for 4-6 hours everyday…
Massive 800 Foot Crop Circle Is Actually Real – Who Could Do Something Like This?
by Arjun Walia: This massive 780-foot (238 meters) crop circle appeared in a remote area (Milk Hill) of Wiltshire, England back in 2001…
A Glance Of Bhakti Yoga: Yoga Of Devotion
What is Bhakti Yoga?
Using Marijuana To Get High Dates Back Millennia
by Emily Willingham: Ancient site points to weed’s role in burial rites…
Harvard Research: To Make a Great First Impression Do This 1 Small Thing Successful Speed Daters Do
by Scott Mautz: It’s dead simple but so often overlooked and misunderstood…
Out Of Panic With The Breath
by Donna Quesada: It started happening when I was around 18 years old. I remember one incident, in particular. It was during my first year at community college…
9 Healthy Breakfast Ideas From Food Revolution Summit Speakers
Let’s face it, mornings can be hectic — getting out of bed, getting dressed, and getting yourself (and maybe kids) ready for the day…
The Healing Power Of Gardens: Oliver Sacks On The Psychological and Physiological Consolations of Nature
by Maria Popova: “In forty years of medical practice, I have found only two types of non-pharmaceutical ‘therapy’ to be vitally important for patients with chronic neurological diseases: music and gardens…”
Reselecting Your Genetic Destiny – A Shamanic Exercise
by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: Modern physics explains that interactions across time and space are possible…
7 Reasons To Include An Orgasm In Your Morning Routine
by Kit Murray Maloney: There is a lot of talk around morning routines…