The Philosopher’s Martial Art


by Sam Langley: So……you want to learn a martial art but you don’t fancy rolling around on the floor with some guys groin in your face?

How To Befriend Your Life As It Is


by Willem Kuyken: Learning to befriend all moments places us firmly in the life we are living, rather than the ideal life we are prone to imagine or strive towards…

Quiet Spirituality


by Mirka Knaster: Maybe because I can talk up a storm, I love, even crave, silence. I feel safe in it…

100 Quotes From Terence McKenna


by Incrosnatu Danut: Without further ado, here is a big collection of the very best philosophical quotes from the psychedelic mind of the mushroom ambassador Terence McKenna…

Out Of Panic With The Breath


by Donna Quesada: It started happening when I was around 18 years old. I remember one incident, in particular. It was during my first year at community college…