Flying Over Norway

Flying Over Norway

1HR Ambient Drone Film + Music by Nature Relaxation™ for Stress Relief…

5 Immune-Boosting Juice Recipes


by Sue Van Raes: Before you reach for a “boring” glass of orange, apple, or grape juice, try some fruit-and-vegetable combinations that not only taste great…

Bhakti Yoga: The Nature Of Devotion


by Sadhguru: What is devotion and how can we practice bhakti yoga? Sadhguru explains how a devotee is someone who has the right perspective of his place in the existence…

Yoga And Depression

Awaken -

We are all taught how to walk, run, we are provided formal education is school which develops our mind…

A Deeper View Of Intuition


“As more of humanity practices heart-based living, it will qualify the ‘rite’ of passage into the next level of consciousness….