Learn The Ujjayi Breath, An Ancient Yogic Breathing Technique
by Melissa Eisler: Looking to simultaneously relax and energize your mind and body? Your answer may be an ancient yogic breathing technique called Ujjayi…
The Two Main Reasons People Fail At Mindfulness And Meditation
by Chad Foreman: Intellectualising Meditation…
A 75-Year Harvard Study Reveals The Most Important Factor In Human Happiness
Have you ever heard of the Harvard study that ran for 75 years to assess what makes us happy? It’s a revolutionary study in psychology…
Yoga: Its Meaning and Application in Our Lives – Swami Krishnananda
by Swami Krishnananda: Idealism of Yoga….
Accessing The Nervous System Through Breathing
What is a Nervous System?
You Must Have an Aim – G.I. Gurdjieff
by Jeff Zaleski: During the Nazi Occupation of Paris, Gurdjieff and his students dared to meet late into the night….
Psychologies Tries Out… Equine Coaching
by Suzy Walker: Suzy Walker, Psychologies Editor-in-Chief tries out a coaching service in Sussex that uses horses to help you figure out life’s most pressing problems…
The Art of Not Making It Real
by Gary Renard: One of the most important tenets of “A Course in Miracles”…
Cosmo’s Moon
Cosmo’s moon…
104 Evidence Based Benefits of Yoga: Why You Should Do Yoga
by Emma: Ever wonder about the benefits of yoga?
Toward A New Conception Of God
by Jacob Needleman: In the present highly publicized debates about the nature and the existence of God…
Empathy: The Greatest Superpower Of The Feminine
by Chantal Pierrat Sometimes I feel torn between wanting to disconnect from the media and turn away from the pain I feel from current events…
Blessing As A Form Of Service
by Pierre Pradervandost: In one of the powerful passages on oneness in world spiritual literature…
36 Questions To Ask A Woman If You Want To Know Who She Really Is
by R.J. Wilson: Cut right to the heart of her identity with these science-tested questions…
The Importance Of A Morning Breathing Practice
by Rachelle Williams: Do you consistently wake up in the morning feeling tired or a bit out of sorts?
Why Sound Heals
by Christina Sarich: What produces the healing power of sound?
The Gospel Of Mary Magdalene
by Cynthia Bourgeault: It is amazing that something so tiny could pack such a punch…
6 Reasons Why Woodworking Is Good For You
by Eric Parker: Woodworking is fun! It is not just a profession or a DIY project, but an art that has a deep impact on your mind and body…
The Zen Master
by Gregory Shepherd: After a three-month stint in the Bay Area, during which time I smoked a lot of weed, drank a lot of beer, and sat a total of twice at San Francisco Zen Center…
Music And Pain Relief
by Jeanette Bicknell Ph.D: Can music heal the body, as well as the soul?
Grateful For Nothing
by Gregg Krech: When things are going well, it’s easy to take for granted all of the unfortunate events that didn’t happen…
Seaweed Farming And Its Surprising Benefits
by Lesley Stahl: Seaweed may be thought of as a nuisance, but an increasing number of fishermen, scientists and consumers are seeing it as a solution…
If It’s Not Spiritual, Don’t Call It Yoga
Yoga is one of the greatest gifts ever given to humanity. Let’s not sell it short, but use it to evolve as spiritual beings….
5 Things That Stop People Experiencing The Pure State Of Meditation
by Chad Foreman: The pure state of meditation is beyond time because it is eternally present…