Take Control Of Your Mind


by Amateo Ra:  Since the beginning of our lives, our minds have been programmed by our surroundings and by the World at large…

Cacao Health Benefits


by Amy Chessman: You may already know that dark chocolate is better for you than milk chocolate…

Diving Into Your Fear


By Ed and Deb Shapiro: The saying goes that when the Buddha was confronted with fear he invited it in for tea…

What Is The Subtle Body?


by Bill Scheffel: This is the second of five periodic articles reviewing some of the “best books on mediation…”

Devi Worship In India And Around The World


Sadhguru looks at how the worship of the feminine has largely disappeared today, but explains that there are still many powerful, intricately consecrated spaces in India…

Fitness Exercises You Can Do At Home


Part of most life extension routines involves keeping your body fit. Here are a great set of great exercises from our friends at FitPundit you can do in your own home…

Pema Chödrön On 4 Keys To Waking Up


by Pema Chödrön: On retreat with Pema Chödrön at Omega Institute, Lion Roar’s Andrea Miller explores these four essential ways to walk the walk…