Hatha Yoga: What Is It?


by Nadi Zaidi: Our mannerisms, which range from the way we sit, place our hands, or move, convey a great deal about us…

5 Questions for Lynne Twist


by Alma Tassi: The venerable Lynne Twist has traversed the world speaking about finances, leadership, and social justice…

Are You Worthy?


by Esther and Jerry Hicks: Abraham speaks on the subject of our ideas of self-worth and our feelings about our actions…

Marianne Williamson Stand Up, Speak Out!


By Marianne Williamson: In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience…

Sewing Dreams – Carlos Castaneda


In 1968, Carlos Castaneda wrote The Teachings of Don Juan, the first of a series of books de-scribing his training with a Yaqui “Man of Knowledge” named Don Juan Matus…

The Good News – Byron Katie


by Byron Katie: Stephen and I were talking about Jesus and the Gospel, which he told me means “the good news…”