Marianne Williamson’s Tribute to Wayne Dyer (Video)

Marianne Williamson lectures every Monday evening on “A Course in Miracles.”
Making Sense Of String Theory – Brian Greene

In clear, nontechnical language, string theorist Brian Greene explains how our understanding of the universe has evolved from Einstein‘s notions of gravity…
Hatha Yoga: What Is It?

by Nadi Zaidi: Our mannerisms, which range from the way we sit, place our hands, or move, convey a great deal about us…
5 Questions for Lynne Twist

by Alma Tassi: The venerable Lynne Twist has traversed the world speaking about finances, leadership, and social justice…
A Trippy History Of Peyote — The Mysterious Navajo Hallucinogen

by Katie Serena: Peyote has been used for years by Native American Church members, but for the rest of the world, it’s a Class 1 substance and illegal to use…
Scientists Probe Human Nature–And Discover We Are Good, After All

by Adrian F. Ward: Recent studies find our first impulses are selfless…
Are You Worthy?

by Esther and Jerry Hicks: Abraham speaks on the subject of our ideas of self-worth and our feelings about our actions…
Tonglen Meditation For Transforming Pain Into Joy

Today, when our human family is facing so many challenges, it is more important than ever that we find peace and sustenance in our hearts…
How To Become Great At Anything: The Truth Behind The 10,000-Hour Rule

by Candice Elliott: There is a lot of misinformation about the 10,000-hour rule theory of self-improvement, and it turns out now all 10,000 hours are the same…
The Empowered You: How Healthcare Is Evolving With Technology | Daniel Kraft | TEDx

Daniel Kraft has a vision of a healthcare system that trusts the patient to be involved with their own care…
Why Is My Relationship So Difficult? – John De Ruiter

Q: My relationship with a man is very difficult. I wonder if he’s the wrong man for me, or the difficulty is because of something in me? Can you help?
If You Are Not Your Thoughts, Then Who Are You?

by Richard Paterson: To realise that you are not your thoughts is when you begin to awaken spiritually —Eckhart Tolle
Suffering Results From Meaning, Not Situations

by Ananda Giri: I am certain most of us would agree with the view that “suffering” has been one of humanity’s biggest challenges…
Marianne Williamson Stand Up, Speak Out!

By Marianne Williamson: In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience…
The 10 Most Important Yoga Poses For Beginners

by Kristin McGee: If you are brand new to yoga, there are certain postures that are essential for you to learn so you can feel comfortable in a class…
Sewing Dreams – Carlos Castaneda

In 1968, Carlos Castaneda wrote The Teachings of Don Juan, the first of a series of books de-scribing his training with a Yaqui “Man of Knowledge” named Don Juan Matus…
The Bodhisattva Way Of Vimilakīrti – Bob Thurman and Roshi Joan Halifax

Zazen and Dharma Talk with Bob Thurman and Roshi Joan Halifax…
The Good News – Byron Katie

by Byron Katie: Stephen and I were talking about Jesus and the Gospel, which he told me means “the good news…”
Jimmy Carter: Why I believe the mistreatment of women is the number one human rights abuse

With his signature resolve, former US President Jimmy Carter dives into three unexpected reasons why the mistreatment of women and girls continues…
Old Movie Stars Dance To Uptown Funk

Old Movie Stars Dance to Uptown Funk…
Getting Through The Night At The End Of Days

by Catherine Ingram: It is a sad awareness that is becoming the zeitgeist of our time…
This Raccoon’s Reaction When It Runs Out Of Grapes Is Just Priceless

Without looking down, this raccoon doesn’t realize it has just finished all the grapes. The reaction that follows will definitely crack you up!
Where Is Everyone? 4 Possible Explanations for the Fermi Paradox

by Raya Bidshahri: As we go on with our everyday lives, it’s very easy to forget about the sheer size of the universe…
Anatomy Of The Luminous Energy Field – Dr. Alberto Villoldo

by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: The luminous energy field (LEF) is an invisible matrix that informs the anatomy of the body…