The Psychology of Kundalini Yoga – C. G. Jung


“The Psychology of Kundalini Yoga presented C. G Jung with a model of something that was almost completely lacking in Western psychology–an account of the development phases of higher consciousness….

Why Children Must Connect With Nature


During a conversation with Ruskin Bond at the Dehradun Lit Fest, Sadhguru and the beloved author reminisce about their youth, and their connections to the mountains that played a formative role in each of their lives…

Being Strong, Brave and In One’s Power


The times are waking people up to be stronger. Let’s look at some angles in holding your power. Here are some lessons on how to hold and expand your power…

10 iconic places to photograph


From the treasures of ancient Egypt to the wilds of Tanzania, a National Geographic photographer shares his most beloved destinations…

5 Green Tea Benefits for Teeth & Oral Health


by Jessica Thomas: When it comes to healthy beverages, green tea is one of the world’s best. All true tea is made from the Camellia Sinensis plant (herbal tea/tisanes are not the true tea)…