Why Should We Listen to Scientists?

by Thomas Hornigold: There’s a game young children like to play when they’re just beginning to learn how to interact with the world…
Anger – Energy in Motion

by Shabad Kaur Khalsa: “Why get rid of anger?
Beginner’s Body Scan Meditation

by Elaine Smookler: Try this meditation practice to relax your body from head to toe…
Forgiveness – Sonia Choquette

by Sonia Choquette: Most people agree that forgiveness is one of the most empowering and healing things to both give and receive…
Peak Experiences In Psychology

by Kendra Cherry: In Abraham Maslow‘s famous hierarchy of needs, self-actualization is located at the very top of the pyramid, representing the need to fulfill one’s individual potential…
Yoga Really *Can* Tone Your Body (Especially If You Do These 6 Poses)

by Gabrielle Kassel:Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past 5,000 years, you’ve heard about the many benefits of yoga…
Thich Nhat Hanh and the Light We Carry Forward

By Marianne Williamson: The blessing he leaves behind. When a great soul leaves the earth, the gifts they shared while they were here dissolve into a misty blessing that remains though they are gone…
What Jesus Reveals To Us About Forgiveness

by Keith Giles: All my life I’ve been told by my Sunday School Teachers…
Wilhelm Reich And The Orgone Accumulator

by Mary Bellis: “Warning: misuse of the Orgone Accumulator may lead to symptoms of orgone overdose. Leave the vicinity of the accumulator and call the ‘Doctor’ immediately!”
Contacting Your Highest Self: The 40th Anniversary Edition Of Creative Visualization By Shakti Gawain

by Shakti Gawain: New World Library cofounder Shakti Gawain’s clear writing style and vivid examples make her international bestseller Creative Visualization easy to apply to your personal needs and wants…
How To Do Downward Facing Dog

Downward Facing Dog or Adho Mukha Svanasana just may be the most well-known yoga pose…
Tony Robbins Tips On Changing The Way You Feel

“Most people want to be happy but their habit is to be worried or frustrated or stressed,” says motivational speaker Tony Robbins…
A Meditation for Moving On

by Holly Rogers: We can’t ignore the hard stuff. Here’s a 10-minute mindfulness practice for navigating—not resisting—everything life throws our way…
Poet Robert Bly on The Great Persian Poets – Hafez and Rumi – Interviewed by Bill Moyers

“Rumi and Hafez have been the guiding light, Rumi especially, of American poetry for the last five or ten years…
A 30-year Harvard Study Reveals The 5 Simple Habits That May Prolong Your Life By 10 Years Or More

by John Hall: Americans have a much shorter life expectancy compared to almost all other high-income countries, according to the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics…
The Four Stages Of Spiritual Growth

by Incrosnatu Danut: A guide for the journey from victimhood to true empowerment…
What About Soy?

by John Robbins: In recent years, I’ve received quite a number of requests from people asking for my views on soy products…
Wayne Dyer’s Top 10 Rules For Success

His first book, Your Erroneous Zones, is one of the best-selling books of all time, with an estimated 35 million copies sold to date…
Eastern Medicine vs. Western Medicine: Creation vs. Chemicals

It wasn’t too long ago that I believed that the term Eastern Medicine was synonymous with “Eastern religion” and was nothing more than “woo woo” medicine…
Eight Reasons Why Awe Makes Your Life Better

by Summer Allen: Here’s why science wants you to chase after moments that give you goosebumps…
Breathing Exercises & Mantra Practice With Dr Nida & Robert Thurman Ph.D.

by Robert Thurman Ph.D: Literally meaning “saving the mind,” a mantra is a creative sound considered expressive of the deepest essence of things and understandings…
What It Means To Be A Wild And Free Woman

by Amy Beth Acker: “All good things are wild and free.” – Henry David Thoreau
How Do You Combine Your Passions with Your Work? – Janet Attwood

by Janet Attwood: All the time, people ask me, “But I have bills, a family. How can I live my passions and meet my responsibilities at the same time?” The answer is simple, but not necessarily easy…
10 Minutes Of Energizing Yoga Poses To Start Your Day

Whether your job requires you to be on your feet all day or sit at a desk, you can benefit from practicing yoga before heading to work…