Jack Kornfield: 12 Principles of Forgiveness
The acclaimed author and teacher Jack Kornfield explains the principles that are integral to the process of forgiving,
Christmas-Its Spiritual Meaning
by Swami Sivananda: Christmas is known to all men the world over historically as the memorable day of the birth of Jesus, the Saviour.
Guru Singh Inspires You with a “LifeBite”
Guru Singh, a yogi, teacher, writer, composer, musician, ordained minister, shaman and all around family man. This wise one has a message for all of us to watch.
Weird is the New Normal – Esther & Jerry Hicks
Esther Hicks: From the 3-DVD set “Hooked On The Vortex: Creating Your Reality by Creating Your Mood”, new from Abraham-Hicks Publications.
The Key To Effortless Manifestation – Esther & Jerry Hicks
Esther Hicks: Excerpted from Episode 3 of the Vortex of Attraction DVD Series, entitled “Effortless Manifestation”.
The 30-Day Better-Feeling Thought Process – Esther & Jerry Hicks
Esther Hicks: Excerpted from the DVD “Abraham’s Processes of Creation” from Abraham-Hicks, which features six of Abraham’s most powerful techniques to assist in “getting into The Vortex” and thus in alignment with all that is wanted.
Language of The Dying and Fear of Death
Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross talks about the language of the dying and fear of Death.
Tony Robbins on Selection and Connection
Anthony (Tony) Robbins: Your ultimate happiness in life depends on your ability to find and connect with another person, and to sustain and grow that relationship over time.
B. F. Skinner on Education Pt 2
In a conversation with John M. Whiteley, Skinner addresses important issues in education.
B. F. Skinner on Education, Pt 1
In a conversation with John M. Whiteley, Skinner addresses important issues in education.
Karen Armstrong Lecture – St. John the Divine, April 27, 2010
Karen Armstrong joins Rev. Dr. James A. Kowalski for a far reaching conversation about religion and ethics in the modern world,
An Evening with Karen Armstrong
Karen Armstrong discusses the intersection of religion and secularism in contemporary life.
Jack Canfield: Daily routines for creating the life of your dreams
Jack Canfield talks about a couple of daily routines that will help you realize your wildest dreams!
Dr. Georgina Cannon, Past Life Investigation, CBC 2004
Dr. Georgina Cannon returns to CH Morning News in Hamilton, Ontario to discuss New Year’s resolutions, or “evolutions”.
Dr. Georgina Cannon, Past Life Investigation, CBC 2004
Dr. Georgina Cannon takes clients under hypnosis to investigate what their past lives may have been on this CBC TV documentary “Past Life Investigation”.
Dr. Georgina Cannon on TV’s Being Frank
Dr. Georgina Cannon D.Mc.CMI BCH makes her first appearance on the “Being Frank Show”, Canada’s top late-night TV show.
Georgina Cannon presents Life Between Lives
Dr. Georgina Cannon, Director of the Ontario Hypnosis Centre in Toronto discussing the benefits of journeying to the Life Between Lives.
The Workshop Workshop – Learn to teach what you know
Dr. Georgina Cannon leads you through the processes of adult learning, group facilitation, and the planning details which make a workshop successful, both for the student and the facilitator.
Thanksgiving as a sign of intelligent life? So says the Dalai Lama.
by Kay Campbell: I can’t quit thinking of a mosquito sipping the blood of His Holiness, the Dalai Lama.
Therapeutic Hemp Oil
by Dr. Andrew Weil: The nutritional composition of oil from the marijuana plant could be beneficial to your health.
New Recommendation: Why You Need More Vitamin D
by Dr. Andrew Weil Weil: I am raising my recommendation of 1,000 IU of vitamin D per day to 2,000 IU per day.
Dr. Andrew Weil Discusses the Merits of Integrative Medicine
Dr. Andrew Weil has always been a beacon of light in the healthcare field, a guru of wellness to whom you could look for enthusiastic optimism about our American prognosis,
The Church Beneath the Church
by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés: Closing address to the CTA National Conference.
Laughing All the Way Home
A talk by Gangaji.