The Meaning of Om


Ommm. It’s often the first and last sound in your ears in a yoga class. But what does it mean?

The Mastery of Love


by don Miguel Ruiz: To love is one of the biggest challenges for humanity.  In attempting to understand love, people are pulled farther and farther away from the truth of love.

The Law Of Integrity


Integrity means living and acting in alignment with spiritual law and with our highest vision, despite impulses to the contrary.

Think Again: God


Karen Armstrong:  November, 2009 As causalities from the world’s religious wars mount, God is getting a bad reputation.

Dr. Andrew Weil’s Eating Well Plan

Dr. Andrew Weil-awaken

by Maria Adams, MS, MPH, RD: Overview  In his book, Eating Well for Optimum Health , Dr. Andrew Weil advocates eating what he considers “the optimum diet.”

Dakini: The Goddess Who Takes Form as a Woman

Yeshe Tsogyal-awaken

by Vicki Noble: The Tibetan Buddhist Dakini is a compelling icon of untamed female freedom. Like a trickster or the Fool in a Tarot deck, the dakini releases blockages in the energy field and melts frozen patterns, so that the door of the mind is suddenly ajar and something new can enter.