Leonard Jacobson A Silent Mind


Leonard Jacobson begins this talk by speaking about the truth, which becomes available to us as we settle fully into the present moment.

Dan Millman on The Four Purposes of Life


Dan Millman is a former world champion athlete and author of 14 books, including Way of the Peaceful Warrior (1980). In his latest book, The Four Purposes of Life,

Three Ways of Seeing Subtle Energy

Donna Eden-awaken

by Donna Eden: Energy Synesthesia—Synesthesia (“joining of the senses”) is the vivid, involuntary experiencing of one sensory mode through another (“tasting” a color, “seeing” a sound, or “smelling” a shape).

That Which Always IS


If you’re familiar with Tolle, then Adyashanti is someone you’ll like. I’ve listened to “Spontaneous Awakening” a few times already.

The Law Of Responsibility

Dan Millman-awaken

by Dan Millman: “United we stand, divided we fall. Many hands make light work. No one is smarter than all of us”

Milton Erickson’s Contribution To Therapy

Milton Erickson

by Stephen Lankton, MSW, DAHB:  I am writing about Erickson‘s contribution to therapy in terms of epistemology and ontology and run the risk of being mistaken as an article on philosophy.

Christmas-Its Spiritual Meaning

Swami Sivananda-awaken

by Swami Sivananda: Christmas is known to all men the world over historically as the memorable day of the birth of Jesus, the Saviour. 

Paulo Coelho On The Fear Of Failure

Paulo Coelho On The Fear Of Failure

by Open Culture: Paulo Coelho:  The road to success runs right through failure. It’s an idea that’s getting a lot of attention lately.

Reflections on Shunryu Suzuki’s Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind

Shunryu Suzuki-awaken

by Ken Russell: Certain books are so outstanding that I find it hard to even begin to approach them. Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind is one of them. This is truly a gem, the only book by Shunryu Suzuki Roshi, a contemporary Zen master, that was published before he died in 1971.

Therapeutic Hemp Oil

Founder and director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona, Andrew Weil is noted for hia approach of combining conventional medicine with the alternative.

by Dr. Andrew Weil: The nutritional composition of oil from the marijuana plant could be beneficial to your health.