Anodea Judith, Ph.D.

Anodea Judith, Ph.D. is the founder and director of Sacred Centers, and a groundbreaking thinker, writer, therapist, healer, yogini, artist, and spiritual teacher. Her passion for the realization of human potential matches her concern for humanity’s impending crises — her fervent wish is that we “wake up in time.” She holds Masters and Doctoral degrees […]

Neem Karoli Baba (Maharajji)

Maharaji Neem Karoli Baba-awaken

Though he never set foot in America, his spiritual influence manifested in the work of many American devotees, including Ram Dass. By Phil Catalfo: Neem Karoli Baba (circa 1900-1973) never set foot in America. But he would prove to be as important a figure in the coming of the Dharma to the West as many swamis […]

Neem Karoli Baba

Maharaji Neem Karoli Baba-awaken

by Dada Mukerjee: Babaji’s miracles were well-known. Swami Vijayananda, an eminent sadhu writing about Babaji, said that Neem Karoli Baba‘s very name radiated an aura of mystery and miracles.

Maharaji on Contentment

Maharaji Neem Karoli Baba-awaken

Maharaji Neem Karoli Baba would sometimes wax eloquent while talking about contentment in life: “The real contentment comes only when there is no desire, no hankering in your mind for anything. 

Quotes by Cheryl Richardson

“I will take a pie in the face any time for a worthy cause.” “A lot of times we set ourselves up to fail. It’s interesting. A lot of times the resolutions we choose are the ones, like you said in the opening, we keep breaking over and over again. Sometimes it reflects parts of […]

Cheryl Richardson

Cheryl Richardson is the New York Times bestselling author of several books including, “Take Time for Your Life,” “Life Makeovers, Stand Up for Your Life,” “The Unmistakable Touch of Grace,” “The Art of Extreme Self Care” and You Can Create an Exceptional Life. She was the first president of the International Coach Federation and holds one of their first […]

Origins of tea: Bodhidharma


Here’s one way of looking at the origin of tea as told in the story of Bodhidharma, a meditation master from the 5th/6th century.

Bodhidharma’s Rebirth


The discovery of Bodhidharma’s burial temple in China has recently unearthed information about him.

The Legendary Bodhidharma


Bodhidharma was an Indian Buddhist monk who traveled from India to China in the 5th century AD and propagated Mahayana Buddhism in China, which in China came to be known as Chan Buddhism.

The Original Shaolin Monk


by Goran Powell: The Shaolin Temple is regarded as the birthplace of Zen and Kung Fu—the first place in history to combine the training of a warrior with the spiritual practices of a monk.

Bodhidharma by Lao Long


If you attain anything at all, it’s conditional, it’s karmic. It results in retribution. It turns the Wheel.

In Buddhism, who is Bodhidharma?


The word Buddha is a Sanskrit word which means “The Awakened One”, one who’s awakened to Reality, who understands true nature of the mind, the world, and all animate existences.

The Man Who Made Shaolin


by Sifu Anthony: What do Cosmos Qigong, Shaolin Kung Fu, and Zen Meditation have in common? Sure, they’re all energy arts, and they all came from the Shaolin Temple. But did you know that they also came from the same man?

Bodhidharma: Myth or Reality?


by Christopher Caile: At a minimum he was a remarkable man. He was but one of hundreds, if not thousands, who ventured far distances from India and elsewhere to China to teach.