Articles for: environment

Morgan Freeman is one of those celebrities who is adored by both the young and...

A large team made up of academics and professionals in the private sector from across...

by Earth Talk: Recent research has shown that trees clean the air, and our feelings…


Donna Quesada: We have spoken on Awaken a lot about the masculine “running amok.”


by Viktorija G: Clear night sky is full of magic and feeling that there are...

Donna Quesada: Well thank you again…I know David has already thanked you, but we really...

by Jane Goodall: I have spent many years learning about chimpanzees and been amazed at...

by Jim Robbins: San Francisco is at the forefront of a movement to recycle wastewater...

by Lisa Miller: When it comes to U.S. national parks, everyone knows about Yellowstone and...

by Matt Meltzer: There’s a reason that song they play during the seventh-inning stretch at...

by Joe Martino: When we think of cars we think of gasoline, steel, pollution, etc....

What’s so remarkable about Dr. Jane Goodall is that she not only pioneered science…


According to food system investigators Stacy Malkan, Kendra Klein, and Anna Lappé, pesticide companies spend...

by Marianne Williamson: I remember the first Earth Day. It began the year I graduated...

by John Wendle: A trek through tropical forest, mud fields, and scree reveals the last...

by Seth Borenstein and Frank Jordans: BERLIN (AP) — Humanity still has a chance, close...

by Paul Hockenos: Faced with the cutoff of Russian gas and oil, Europe ramped up...

We are so lucky to have so many beautiful national parks here in the USA…


by Alexander C. Kaufman: After 14 years and billions of dollars in cost overruns, the...

by Peter Diamandis: How do you feed 8 billion people, all of whom want access...

by Jon Hurdle: Solar panels have a lifespan of 25 to 30 years, but they...

by Reginald Davey: Battery technologies are central to electric vehicles (EVs.) These technologies have become...

Peter Diamandis: How long until rising sea levels and methane emissions are remembered as quaint...