Skiers and snowboarders don’t just build up their balance and strength on the slopes. Whilst...
by Jessica Sommerfield: When was the last time you had a good workout? Sandee LaMotte: Here’s a killer one. Too much sitting can raise your risk for...
by Arjun Walia: The picture above represents Improved facial circulation (right image) after 20 minutes...
by Nicole Faires: When Bernie Krause began recording nature, he didn’t realize he was pioneering...
by Tonya Wetzel: Boat Pose (Navasana) strengthens both the front and back body and core,...
We can easily go every day slouching in our chairs at our desks. Bad posture...
by Ryan Cook: From improved sleep and circulation to reduced anxiety and more, regular exercise...
by Liberty Baldovino: Most of us ignore the way we breathe. After all, it’s an...
by Nicole Leatherman: We all want to feel grounded and content… Shelly Fan: Brain aging is reversible. How? Why? And how much can we rejuvenate...
You bumped into a high school friend and she has invited you to attend to...
Aerobic exercise has been linked with reducing symptoms of depression, but… Chris Kilham: The Five Tibetan Rites is a system of exercises reported to be...
(Faculty of Science) Researchers at the University of Copenhagen’s Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports...
by Jenn Dawson: Once you have accomplished your headstand and your forearm stand, you are...
The benefits of bodyweight training are quite numerous, 9 of the most important ones which...
by Starre Varden: I’ve been walking quite a bit lately — maybe you have too… Misha Cohen: Qigong (pronounced: chee-gun), which combines meditative and physically active elements, is the...