Articles for: Featured

by Tara Brach: The Buddhist practice for developing mindfulness is called vipassana, which means “clear...

by Sofo Archon: Sometimes a story can teach much more than entire philosophical treatises.


by Deepak Chopra™, M.D.:Loving yourself is considered a key part of being happy and contented,...

“It is only by grounding our awareness in the living sensation of our bodies that...

by Donna Quesada: And in this state of pure light and love, it is a...

In nearly four decades of working with dying patients, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross (1926–2004) studied thousands of...

by Donna Quesada: If you were to ask me, after sitting through all the various...

by Robin Fasano: Famed medical intuitive Caroline Myss shares guidance on navigating these tumultuous times.


How can we balance fear with equanimity?


by Stephen Wagner: He was an alchemist who, it is believed, discovered the secret of...

by Carol E. McMahon, Ph.D: Enlightenment breakthrough is peak performance meditation.


by David R. Hawkins M.D., Ph.D: Finding spirituality on a cold winter’s day…


I enjoyed reading these two excerpts, one from Osho and one from Eckhart Tolle, describing...

Thich Nhat Hanh: How do I stay in the present moment when it feels unbearable?,...

Donna Quesada: So the idea is to recognize the creators that we are? You said...

Today, Dr. Valerie Hunt: is actively involved in research that is uncovering the various dimensions...

by DeAnna Kerley: What’s the secret to a long and healthy life? All centenarians have...

by Donna Quesada: My Zen teacher used to say, “you’re not who you think you...

by Tara Brach: We can learn to let go of our negative conceptions of ourselves...

by Eckhart Tolle: Learn the different views Eckhart has on concepts from the Bible and...

by Roshi Nancy Mujo Baker: The Eighth Zen Precept is about more than emptying your...

Interview with Dirk van de Wijngaard…


Awaken: Firstly, thank you so much for your time today. It is an honor to...

Donna Quesada: In preparing for this interview, I came across something you said along these...