Articles for: Featured

The Interlife is the space between lifetimes. Join Georgina Cannon in understanding what happens after...

by Arjuna Ardagh : My children both went to a Waldorf school. Rudolf Steiner founded...

Like any good mother, when Karen found out that another baby was on the way,...

by Thich Nhat Hanh: Nothing warms the heart like a loving hug. To make the...

by Yogi Bhajan: The process of self-healing is the privilege of every being.


by Sandra Ingerman: Although I felt support from my family and teachers when I was...

by Rabbi Rami Shapiro: I have been asked that question countless times over the decades.


This whole creation is essentially subjective, and the dream is the theatre where the dreamer...

by Matthew Fox: There is a teaching from the ancient peoples of the Americas about...

by Harry J. Stead: What is synchronicity? And how can we use it for inner...

by Eda Ocak: Eda Ocak reflects on how meditation practice and the Buddha’s message of...

by Meg Blackburn Losey, Ph.D.: Becoming Well: Band-Aids and Miracles. Healing has always been a...

by Ram Dass: Here is a quote from the great saint, Anandamayi Ma, “It is...

Awaken: Firstly, I want to thank you for spending this time with us. I appreciate...

by Gabrielle Bernstein: In the midst of busy schedules and managing to-do lists, happiness can...

by Leonard Jacobson: When you become fully present, thoughts stop and your mind is silent.


By Robert Campbell: Recently, I was in the stacks at the Newburyport library searching for...

by Kristen M. Stanton: The Tree of Life, sometimes referred to as the World Tree...

A short film featuring Ram Dass on coming out of the darkness and overcoming our...

During his reign as heavyweight champion of the world, no one was more feared than...

by Cheryl Richardson: Twenty years ago, after giving a keynote speech about self-care to several...

by Amma: Instead of thinking, “ What I can take?” we should think, “ What...

by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: What is God? What is not God? What is the...

by Tami Simon: Welcome to Insights at the Edge produced by Sounds True. My name’s...