Articles for: Featured

by Joan Halifax Roshi: The fourth boundless abode, equanimity, is the perfect partner of compassion…


by Beth Draper: Since 1992, Catherine Ingram has led Dharma Dialogues, public events of inquiry...

by C Y Gopinath: I think we’re all telepathic. We just don’t know it…


Sri Sarada Devi: One must do some work. Through work alone one can remove the...

Compiled by a Monk of the Ramakrishna Order: Sri Sarada Devi (1853-1920) is affectionately called...

By Blake Griffin Edwards: Humanistic in nature and concerned with the existential qualities of human...

Virginia Satir shares her views on family, human behavior and the quest for peace.


by Gabrielle Bernstein: To create powerful manifestations, we must believe in our desires. As Dr....

by Joan Halifax Roshi: Learning to feel joy for others can help transform our own...

by: Mahatma Gandhi: We constantly pronounce judgments upon the value of actions. Some actions satisfy...

by Sri Krishna: In 3228 BCE in Mathura, India, a child was born who was...

by Melanie Pinola: For centuries, Zen masters have used stories and koans, or paradoxical riddles,...

Over sixty-five years ago, Virginia Satir began therapeutic work with people, first as a school...

by Cheryl Richardson: My cell phone chimed and I looked up to see a text...

by Jack Canfield: When we have a big question or an important decision to make,...

by Dr. Steven Taylor: I was interested in interviewing Eckhart for my recent book Out...

The Intuition Network presents the following transcript from a conversation with Virginia Satir on the...

by Michelle D’Avella: “This is a good sign, having a broken heart. It means we...

by Lousie Hay: True healing involves body, mind, and spirit. I believe that if we...

by Dalai Lama: “This can make a real difference in our lives…”


by Esther and Jerry Hicks: Jerry: Is there the “one perfect person” for us to...

A Free Global Online Event With Renowned Author, Teacher and Living Legend Ken Wilber


by Joan Halifax Roshi: Compassion is not an idealized state. It is a profound realization...

by Oliver Haenlein: Matthieu Ricard, also known as ‘the world’s happiest man’, spent the best...