Articles for: Featured

by Mark Unno: Through the Pure Land practice of nembutsu, explains Mark Unno, we “foolish...

by Barbara Stoler Miller: The ascetic, mystical love of nature that brought Thoreau to Walden...

by Mary Baker Eddy: Mortal existence is an enigma. Every day is a mystery. The...

by Roshi Joan Halifax: The Four Boundless Abodes are lovingkindness, compassion, sympathetic joy, and equanimity....

by David Kessler: Ten years ago this month, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross died. She was the world’s...

by Kaira Jewel Lingo: At the core of Mahayana Buddhism, explains Kaira Jewel Lingo, is...

by Sarah Regan: You’ve probably heard talk of spiritual awakenings and how they can lead...

by Sonia Choquette: Affirmations are our way of opening ourselves up to the best that...

5 Lessons To Live By – Dr. Wayne Dyer (Truly Inspiring)…


by Parita Shah: One of the most important things to understand about Ayurveda is how...

by Mina Reyes: ”You do not have to be afraid. You do not have to...

by Rupert Spira: A man asks Rupert about the function of dreams. This clip has...

Marion Woodman On The Inner Marriage Of The True Masculine And The True Feminine interviewed...

Zen Master Hakuin lived in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries…


by Peter Meisen: 1997 (Introduction: I found many of Buckminster Fuller‘s writings to be pivotal...

by Carl Rogers: As part of my studies for my master’s degree in counseling, I...

Dr. Margaret Mead: Are today’s young parents equal to their job?


AWAKEN: Louise, I am just so happy to spend this time with you! I have...

by Myra Goodman: Soto Zen Buddhist Priest Zenju Earthlyn Manuel wades through the muck of...

by Dr. Norman Williams, Col. K.K. Nair and Barry Oborne: Most people have heard of...

by Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth with Bill Moyers, Episode 4, “Sacrifice and...

by Dr. Bohdanna “Billie” Zazulak: Mother Nature has always called to me for adventure and...

Lynne Twist is a global activist, fundraiser, consultant and author — has devoted her life...

by Richard Simon: Being larger than life was something Virginia Satir knew about from her...