by Gary Zukov: Last week our granddaughter graduated from Oregon State University… Shakti Gawain: New World Library cofounder Shakti Gawain talks about how her international bestseller...
by Claudia Welss: Claudia Welss: Welcome, Dr. Chopra… Jack Kornfield: May I be filled with lovingkindness… Arjuna Ardagh: In a previous article I talked about the single most important factor...
by Jay Michaelson Can you be both a bestselling author and a radical spiritual teacher?...
Donna Quesada shows you how to oxygenate your body and energize your day by combining...
by Ken Wilber: This article is a Kosmos-edited version of a talk given at the...
by Guru Singh: When you recognize the main purpose of life is to simply experience...
by Deepak Chopra™, M.D: Abundance is a baffling issue for most people because they approach...
by Dr. Bohdanna “Billie” Zazulak DPT, OCS: My mother was a young child when her...
by Arjuna Ardagh: Last week I wrote an article for you about procrastinating and rushing…
...In Brotherhood, Deepak and Sanjiv Chopra reveal the story of their personal struggles and triumphs...
by Donna Quesada: I remember my teacher saying to “dive into the cosmic self.” I...
by Sonia Choquette Ph.D., book excerpt: To genuinely tune in to your Spirit and feel...
Yamada Mumon Roshi filmed in 1977 in his temple in Kobe : an interview of...
by Marianne Williamson: I’ve spent most of my professional life counseling people in despair. Due...
by Deb Shapiro & Kiri Westby: The vast majority of us will have no idea...
Actually, the Dalai Lama is not technically chosen; rather, he is found. But to understand...
by Dalai Lama: Buddha was born as his mother leaned against a tree for support… Sonia Choquette: 1. Believe You Can… Roshi Joan Halifax: Whether compassion is rooted deep in our biology or whether it...
by Jonathan Robinson: Technology is changing our lives in an ever-accelerating manner. Just 15 years...